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Medicine put to the test

The independent Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (Institut für Qualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit im Gesundheitswesen, IQWiG) examines the benefits and harms of medical interventions for patients. We provide information about the advantages and disadvantages of examination and treatment methods in the form of scientific reports and easily understandable health information.

20 Years IQWiG

The independent Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Healthcare, IQWiG, celebrated its 20th birthday in 2024.

A journey through time

Press releases

Getting involved

Easily understandable information for the general public

InformedHealth.org is the English-language version of the German website Gesundheitsinformation.de. By publishing this bilingual website, IQWiG fulfils part of its legal mandate to inform the general public about health issues. By offering a wide range of different topics, the website addresses both patients and (healthy) consumers.


Corns develop when an area of skin is repeatedly exposed to pressure or rubbing. They mainly occur on your toes and on the soles of your feet. If the rubbing and pressure stops, corns usually go away on their own after some time. You can also soak the hard skin in warm water and then gently remove some of it.

Enlarged hemorrhoids

We all have hemorrhoids. They are nothing more than “cushions” of blood vessels and supporting tissue, found at the end of the rectum. Hemorrhoids only cause problems if they become enlarged. Many people are affected by this – it is estimated that more than half of all adults have enlarged hemorrhoids at some point.

Current commenting procedures and calls for tenders