Health Economics: department tasks

The department deals with economic issues related to health care in the German health care system, both for drug and non-drug interventions.

Staff members produce

Evaluations of data on patient numbers and treatment costs (as part of early benefit assessments)

Early benefit assessments are based on dossiers submitted by pharmaceutical companies to the Federal Joint Committee (G-BA). The results are published as dossier assessments. These early assessments follow the provisions of the Act on the Reform of the Market for Medicinal Products (AMNOG), which became effective in 2011.

Reports on routine practice data collections

In the case of drugs for rare diseases (orphan drugs) and drugs with special marketing authorization, the can request the responsible pharmaceutical company to collect and analyse routine practice data. This serves to improve the evidence base for the assessment of the added benefit of a drug. IQWiG can be commissioned to assess the relevant patient numbers as part of the decision-making process on whether to request a routine practice data collection.

Health economic evaluations

Since 2007, the health economic evaluation of drugs has been a statutory task of IQWiG. Although this tool is not currently used, one of the department's tasks is to keep the health economic evaluation methods up to date and to develop them further, based on international standards of evidence-based medicine and health economics.

Other tasks include

  • preparation of expert reports on the economic efficiency of medical interventions,
  • support for the "ThemenCheck Medizin" reports with regard to economic aspects,
  • further development of methods for the analysis of health care and health economic issues, e.g. regarding the usability and analysis of routine data, and
  • dissemination of evaluation methods and results, as well as other new scientific knowledge arising from the department's work, through presentations and publications.

Department staff

Prof. Dr. Tim Mathes

Professional profile

Degree in Health Economics at the University of Cologne (Dipl. Gesök), 2006 – 2011; Degree in Medical Biometry/Biostatistics at the University of Heidelberg (MSc. Medical Biometry/Biostatistics), 2014 – 2017; Doctorate at the University of Witten/Herdecke on Systematic Reviews of Health Economic Evaluations, 2014; Research Associate at the Institute for Research in Operative Medicine (Department of Evidence-based Health Services Research and Clinical Research), Chair of Pneumology and Chair of Clinical Pharmacology at the University of Witten/Herdecke, 2011 – 2021; Head of the Clinical Epidemiology and Health Economics working group and the Systematic Reviews service group at the Department of Medical Statistics, University Medical Centre Göttingen, 2021 – 2024; Adjunct Professor at the University Medical Centre Göttingen, since 2024; Head of the Health Economics Department, since 2024

Dr. rer. pol. Sarah Mostardt

Professional profile

Degree in Health Economics from the University of Cologne; 2007 – 2010 Research Associate in the working group “Health economic evaluation and health services research”, Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach Foundation Endowed Chair for Medicine Management, University of Duisburg-Essen (Professor Wasem); 2010 – 2013 Head of the aforementioned working group; 2011 Doctorate on the topic “Disease costs of HIV infection in Germany”; 2013 – 2016 Research Associate in the Health Economics Department, IQWiG; 2016 – 2024 Division Head of the Health Economics Division in the Department of Health Care and Health Economics; since 2024: Deputy Head of the Health Economics Department

Dr. Anja Schwalm

Professional profile

Studied Health Economics at the University of Cologne 2001 – 2006; Consultant at the Department of Medical Advisory Services of the Federal Joint Committee from 2006 to 2009; Research Associate at IQWiG since 2009; Doctorate (Dr. rer. med.) at the University of Greifswald in 2015; 2016 – 2024: Division Head of the Health Economics Division in the Department of Health Care and Health Economics; since 2024: Deputy Head of the Health Economics Department

Nadia Abu Rajab
Christiane Balg
PD Dr. rer. pol. Tobias Effertz
Dorothee Ehlert
Reza Fathollah-Nejad
Anna-Lena Firle
Katharina Frangen
Maximilian Kind
Dr. rer. nat. Stefan Kobza
Dr. rer. medic. Judith Kratel
Mandy Kromp
Christopher Kunigkeit
Torben Lütkehermölle
Snjezana Petzler
Dr. med. Min Ripoll
Dr. PH Kristina Schaubert
Dominik Schierbaum
Sonja Schiller
Felix Schwarz
Michael Steur-Rott
Dr. phil. Corinna ten Thoren
Carolin Weigel
Kathrin Wohlhöfner
Pamela Wronski