Independent. Patient-orientated. Evidence-based.
- We are independent in our scientific work. Neither industry nor health insurance funds nor authorities can influence the content of our reports. The independence of the Institute results from the contracting agencies specified and the form of funding.
- Everyone involved in working on an Institute report must disclose all relationships which could influence the work and the results.
- The main criterion in the assessment of an examination or treatment method is the benefit for the patients. Does the intervention prolong life or reduce symptoms? Does it improve the quality of life of the patient? To answer these questions, we regularly ask affected patients about their perspective.
- Moreover, in the assessment the question arises as to how patients weight different aspects (e.g. pain reduction or side effects). IQWiG therefore tested methods for determining such patient preferences.
- The Institute provides neutral health information on current medical knowledge so that patients can make informed decisions on healthcare interventions.
- In IQWiG’s “Themencheck Medizin" members of the public can propose medical topics for the assessment of examination and treatment procedures. If a proposal refers to an urgent and still open medical question, a so-called ThemenCheck report (an HTA report) is produced in collaboration with external researchers.
- Evidence-based medicine (EBM) is an important basis of our work. It denotes health care that is not based solely on personal opinions and conventions, but on proof (evidence). Our reports are therefore based on scientific evidence from the medical literature worldwide.
- We regularly include medical experts in our assessments. This ensures that knowledge from every-day health care is also considered in our reports.
- As a scientific institute we cooperate closely with other research institutions and networks on a national and international level.
- We not only publish the final versions of our assessments, but also intermediate stages of certain types of reports. In that case, all interested parties can submit comments on these intermediate stages.
- We inform about new assessments, updates and opportunities for participation (comments, calls for tender) via the IQWiG info service (German only).