Welcome to “ThemenCheck Medizin”
Would you like to propose a topic?
Certain information is required to derive a research question from a topic proposed:
- What is the specific topic or technology and for which disease is it supposed to be used?
- What open questions do you think the ThemenCheck report should answer?
- Why is the topic important and what is the ThemenCheck report supposed to achieve?
Please note: topics can only be submitted in German.
In “ThemenCheck Medizin”, the general public can ask questions to the scientific community and submit proposals for scientific assessments of examination and treatment methods. In principle, all topics relating to health care are suitable: from preventive measures to screening and other diagnostic tests, to medical treatment, and to rehabilitation. Only the assessment of drugs is not part of ThemenCheck Medizin.
The scientific assessment results in a health technology assessment (HTA) report called a ThemenCheck report, which is always based on a specific list of questions, for example:
- What are the medical advantages and disadvantages of a technology?
- Is it better than previous technologies?
- What costs are involved?
- Are there ethical or legal aspects to be considered?
- Does the technology have social implications?
Examples of previous topics of ThemenCheck reports
- Cancer: Can accompanying music therapy contribute to better treatment results?
- Autumn-winter depression: Do non-drug interventions such as light and vitamin therapy lead to better results?
- Cervical spine syndrome: Influence of treatment duration and frequency of physiotherapy on treatment success