Mar 1, 2024
Working together for high standards in the assessment of health technologies in Europe from 2025
A few months before the EU HTA Regulation comes into force, a delegation from the French HTA agency HAS visited IQWiG in Cologne to discuss the future of European benefit assessments.
The member states of the European Union (EU) are to draw up joint health technology assessments (HTAs) from 2025. This is laid down in the EU HTA Regulation, which comes into force on this date. The course is currently being set to ensure that it is implemented for the benefit of patients and healthcare systems.
Against this background, experts from the Haute Autorité de santé (HAS) and the Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Healthcare (IQWiG) met in Cologne this week to discuss the status of preparations for this new European era of benefit assessment of drugs and medical devices.
"I would like to thank the President of HAS, Lionel Collet, and his team for the very constructive dialogue here at the Institute today," said IQWiG Director Thomas Kaiser after the meeting. The visit is part of an ongoing dialogue between the two HTA agencies: "We are united by the desire for high standards in the assessment of health technologies. We want to cooperate to achieve this goal in the relevant groups at EU level."