[A20-17] Larotrectinib (solid tumours with neurotrophic tyrosine receptor kinase [NTRK] gene fusion) - Addendum to Commission A19-90
Last updated 02.04.2020
Project no.:A20-17
Commission awarded on 25.03.2020 by the Federal Joint Committee (G-BA).Report type:
AddendumStatus:Commission completed
Drug AssessmentTopic:
CancerPatients with solid tumours that display an NTRK gene fusion, who have a disease that is locally advanced, metastatic or where surgical resection is likely to result in severe morbidity, and who have no satisfactory treatment options
Conclusion of dossier assessment A19-90 unchanged: added benefit not proven
If the need for additional work on a project commissioned by the G-BA arises during consultations, then IQWiG presents a report in the form of an "addendum". The G-BA subsequently decides on the extent of the added benefit, thus completing the early benefit assessment.
Federal Joint Committee (G-BA)
2020-04-02 A G-BA decision was published.