[ A24-91] Insulin icodec (type 2 diabetes mellitus) – Benefit assessment according to §35a Social Code Book V
Last updated 02.12.2024
Project no.: A24-91
Commission awarded on 30.08.2024 by the Federal Joint Committee (G-BA).Report type:
Dossier assessmentStatus:Commission completed
Drug AssessmentTopic:
Digestion, metabolism and hormones
Adult patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus
Result of dossier assessment:
- Insulin-naive adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus without manifest cardiovascular disease who have not achieved sufficient glycaemic control with their present drug treatment consisting of at least 2 blood-glucose lowering drugs in addition to diet and exercise and for whom insulin therapy is indicated: added benefit not proven
- Insulin-naive adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus with manifest cardiovascular disease who have not achieved sufficient glycaemic control with their present drug treatment consisting of at least 2 blood-glucose lowering drugs in addition to diet and exercise and for whom insulin therapy is indicated: added benefit not proven
- Insulin-experienced adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus without manifest cardiovascular disease who have not achieved sufficient glycaemic control with their present insulin regimen in addition to diet and exercise: added benefit not proven
- Insulin-experienced adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus with manifest cardiovascular disease who have not achieved sufficient glycaemic control with their present insulin regimen in addition to diet and exercise: added benefit not proven
After completion of the assessment by IQWiG the Federal Joint Committee (G-BA) conducts a commenting procedure. This may provide supplementary information and as a result lead to a modified benefit assessment. Further information and the decision on the early benefit assessment can be found on the relevant page of the G-BA website.